Toy Story 3

Like so many families seem to be doing this week, we went today to see Toy Story 3. It was likely the best movie I've seen in quite some time. I laughed, and I cried, through the whole movie.

Yes, you read that right... I cried. What? It's a kids movie! About toys!

Well, you see... I'm a mother, and I've got little boys. And, well, Andy (the main human character) is going away to college. And of course they had to show flashbacks to his younger years playing with all his toys, making up scenarios for the toys, running around, and just being a little boy. And then, he's suddenly this big kid, a 17-year-old, packing up and getting ready to leave for school.

Well, it gave me a sense of flashing forward, to my boys growing up and moving on, and even just simply not being little boys anymore, losing that playfulness of youth. And my little Blaise doesn't look so different than young Andy, making the whole scenario seem so much more real(and my Andy, Blaise's daddy, looks quite a bit like the older version of the Pixar character).

So, yes, I cried. Then cried again. Then cried some more at the end.

Which did not escape the watchful eyes of my husband, nor escape questioning in the car. :)

Just a disclaimer: While this movie was great, there were a couple parts that were mildly not so great. There was a scary part with an incinerator, and it didn't look like it would possibly turn out - but reassure your kids, it does. After all, it is a kids movie. Also, I was not so thrilled about Barbie's and Ken's first reactions to each other and a couple of their interactions, though it basically sneaks under the radar of kids my children's ages and is really very mild and works well enough into the plot.


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