Update - over 2 years later

My goodness, it's been a long time since I've posted. I realized again, when a friend of mine started reading through my posts, that it has been over 2 YEARS since I last posted! I thought I'd write a brief update in case anyone still has my blog on their follow list or in case anyone happens to stop by. As I looked over my blog list, it seems many of those I had been following are still writing. If any of those people stop by, let me tell you, I admire you for it! And I hope to catch up soon on much of what you've been up to!

I'll have to update my picture also. Our kids have grown, as kids do, and two children are not even in the picture. Blaise is 9 1/2, Isaac is 8, and Rose (our "baby") is almost 2. And - not that this would make the picture yet - we're expecting #4 in September!

So our family is growing, and, praise be to God, the other things I had been waiting for, sometimes patiently, other times not so patiently :p have come to fruition. Andy has a great job, is well respected at work, and is able to support our family on his income alone. I am, therefore, home with the kids full time. We have moved into a nicer, bigger home - not our dream home, but something we certainly are enjoying. I have even started homeschooling the boys; we started in January of 2014, and it is going well.

The waiting helps me to appreciate where we are better, though, of course, being home and homeschooling is not always easy, and some days I want to just get out of the house - but not back to work :).

I'm also doing some writing, though not on my blog. I was assuming, with all I have on my plate, that I would work on a book (if God even was calling me to that) after the kids were all older and more independent or out of the house. As is often the case, it seems God had other plans. In June, while Andy and I were praying the Rosary, writing a book was not on my mind. Yet, an outline for this book popped into my head suddenly. I wrote it down quickly when we had finished, and the outline has stuck. I have tried to add to it, but that adding to it only caused confusion and cause me to feel overwhelmed, and so, in prayer, I realized that the outline God gave me through Mary is the one He wants to to use. This, eventually, only served as a confirmation that what I already believed to be true was indeed true - God wants me to write now and is and will direct that writing. How exciting, and what a blessing! And, indeed, by His grace, the book is coming together. I'm only working on the outline so far, but it's been fun to see how it is falling into place. The book is, as anyone who has read my blog may guess, about the blessings of suffering, specifically depression and anxiety, and how God uses them to help us to grow and to draw us closer to Himself.

Isn't that how things happen when we put something in God's hands? In His own time, at the opportune time, He bring about amazing things!

I hope anyone who does stop by and takes the time to read this post is doing very well! I'm not sure, in all honesty, how often I will be updating my blog, but if anyone is interested, I will make an effort to update it periodically.

May God bless you always!


Krissy A. said…
You're pregnant!??! SO EXCITING! So very happy for you, and so sad it's been so long since we've caught up. You know--this life is so busy!

Love you dear friend!
Kim said…
Thanks, Krissy! We're excited :)
We need to catch up sometime!! I would love to talk - we'll have to make some time in our busy lives for a phone date!
Love you too! :)

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