
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Reason I Am Doing This

Before I write more, I want to give a brief explanation as to where I am coming from. I have a passion for suffering. Not that I like suffering. I don't. In fact, I can be quite a baby when it comes to any sort of suffering. But I love what God does with it. I love how God uses it, and because of Him, I love suffering. I have a passion for moving through life with our eyes fixed on Jesus, choosing to live in joy no matter how we may feel or what is happening. Unfortunately, I have often failed in my attempts at doing this. Sometimes I feel so discouraged I simply can't seem to raise my eyes to Him. But I love how He works in me when He is the focus of my gaze and of my life. I love how my life simply makes sense in those times. And I love to love Him. My passion for suffering and for what God does with it is borne of my experience with longstanding anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, and brain fog. I've certainly had my difficult moments through which I deeply str...

A Good Friday Meditation

Jesus came to earth to teach us about God and to show us the love of the Father, to forgive our sins, and to redeem and reconcile us to Himself. He came to be Love Incarnate. Good Friday is an especially good day to remember and meditate upon this. It is a day to unite ourselves to Him for that purpose. Jesus also came to earth to sanctify suffering. He took on a human form and was born a baby, of a woman. Our God lived life on this earth in a human body for thirty three years and immersed Himself in the human experience. For this reason, "God, too, knows exactly how it feels to be cold, or tired, or hungry, or sore with pain, because he, too, has had a body. He has spent long hours, for years at a time, doing the routine and unspectacular work of a carpenter, has walked long days over dusty roads with tired feet, has curled his shoulders against the night air or a chill rain, has been without sleep while others slept, has been thirsty and hot and weary and ready to drop from ...