
I'm finding I'm having a difficult time posting lately, for two primary reasons: lack of time and lack of inspiration. Lack of inspiration is likely partially due to being so tired and worn down. So for a little while, my posts may be sporatic and fairly infrequent, but please do check back.

This last weekend, my husband and I went to a pond hockey tournament with a bunch of his hockey friends. Me and a bunch of guys... and hockey all weekend. While it wouldn't be my first choice in a vacation, it was great. My parents took care of the boys (who apparently were in rare form in whining and disobedience all weekend), so I had no responsibilities except walking around with a digital SLR and two great lenses (my husband's friend's camera... only wish it was mine), with memory cards holding up to a total of around 3000 pictures. I probably took 1000-1200 pictures. I'll have to post a few of my pics once they're sent to me. And my husband's friends are fun to hang out with... good group of guys who like to have some respectable fun and are easy to get along with. My only complaint is that these guys are able to stay up all hours of the night without a problem, while I need a good 7-8 hours of sleep to function normally... and definitely did not get that. My parents are bringing the boys back here in about a half hour, and I can't say I'm ready for them to come home yet, though I do miss them. I'd selfishly like to get one good night's sleep before they come back. Then tomorrow it's back to the grind... Wish me luck! Or, even better, say a prayer for me! :)


Hang in there! Will be checking in on you! Cathy
Hi! I found you through the wonderful Joyful Days! My prayers are with you.
Joyful Days said…
One good night's sleep does a world of wonders. It is good to have a little tiny break to be refreshed.

I left an award for you here.



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