Gone too long!

I have been gone too long from the world of posting... primarily because inspiration has not been striking, and I have been feeling that I have nothing to write about (and honestly no time to write).

But perhaps I am again being inspired... only time will tell whether the inspiration bug continues to bite or not. Perhaps the reason for inspiration is a wonderful "retreat" my good friend Katie and I gave ourselves (with the support of our wonderful husbands, who watched our kids).

We had a wonderful time meeting with another friend of ours Friday night and having a great discussion with her over dinner. Sat was filled with wonderful conversation, support, and prayer, followed by a much-deserved nap, dinner, and dying of hair! Sun was Mass and another wonderful conversation as we drove to Katie's car and parted.

The amazing thing was that we went into it with only a preliminary plan, but Mary provided a better plan. Throughout the weekend, she made it clear that she was drawing us to herself with several little coincidences. My mom had a CD from a talk she had attended. Through a twist of fate, I was not able to get this CD until the Monday before the retreat. The CD was about Mary's motherhood and how she can help us in the joys and struggles of our motherhood. Second, I had been looking for a Bible study book in my basement to use for the retreat. But I was unable to find the one I was looking for and instead found one about Mary. Third, there was a conference at the church we had gone in part to visit. We missed the talk we were thinking of attending Sat morning but were able to make it to the Mass, and the homily was given by Fr Larry Richards, who was hosting the conference, and was about the importance of dedication to Mary and the Rosary. Fourth, Katie randomly picked up a holy card in the church gift shop which held a picture of Mary which she particularly likes. On the back was a prayer of consecration to Mary. It was clear to us by the end (well, really by the middle) of the retreat that we were to increase our devotion and prayer to Mary, calling on her in the midst of the struggles and joys of our own motherhood, and likely study further regarding consecrating ourselves and our families to Mary, and, through her, of course to Jesus.

It's amazing what God will do when you give Him a chance to work.


Katie said…
Yay! I love it when the Spirit speaks loud and clear! Thanks for a great weekend - your friendship is a blessing that is priceless!

Love ya!
Krissy A. said…
I'm so glad you had time to post, and I'm glad you had a fruitful retreat! Don't you just LOVE Mary!?!? I'm really sorry I couldn't make it Saturday, but I really hope I can see you soon (November I hope!)

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