My Husband Got a Sticker Today!

Andy got a sticker today for a homework assignment in which he earned a 6/6 - the only 6/6 in his university financial accounting class. As strange as a sticker on a college-level homework assignment seems to my husband and I, the funniest things is, Andy says, this teacher is what you may picture when you think of a university-level accounting teacher - monotone and very dry sense of humor. A cute little smiley-face sticker seems out of character in that case. But perhaps it puts a smile on his face in the midst of grading some very numerical and perhaps boring homework assignments. It certainly put a smile on our faces!


Holly Rutchik said…
This is so GREAT!
I know it is a small thing, but doesn't it just make you feel like it is all for a reason - like God is smiling at you guys saying, "There ya go, see you are doing it, you are on the right path!"
God Andy!

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