Countdown to Graduation: 5 months

5 months until Andy graduates! That's only 22 weeks as of this last Saturday. I started my countdown around 22-23 months, and now it's down to 22 weeks. We're so close, yet it seems so far away. It is so easy, looking at how little time we have left, to focus on that whole time... which is still so very overwhelming. The challenge is to focus on one day at a time.

Though we still need to think about the big picture. Andy has started to apply for work for May/June... he's sent two applications to companies in this area so far. We're not expecting much since he's not available to work for 5+ months, but it doesn't hurt to try. It won't be long before he will be more seriously applying for work. He's also starting to study for the first part of two of his licensure exam, which he will take the week before the next semester starts.


Holly Rutchik said…
Ahh! I hear ya!! Joseph has started sending out resumes as well (he only has his thesis, so could work full time this semester).
It is sooo wonderful and full of promise, but now I am stressing about other things. Will he find a job? Will there be too much time inbetween? Will we have to move?
I am trying to hard to trust and put it in God's hands, but this control freak wants to know NOW!! So, I've been thinking of you!!

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