My First Award!

Wow, I was given my first award! How exciting! Thank you, Julie, for sharing the "Lovely Award" and the "Butterfly Award" with me. I appreciate your kindness.

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

I'd like to pass these awards onto:
back to Julie at Joyful Days
Cathy at A Bit of the Blarney
Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota
Barbara at Praying for Grace
Winging It at The Bird House
Lisa at Unexpected Journey
Marie and Ginny at View from the Pews
Sinéad at Time Well Wasted

Since I am still new to blogging, I do not know if there are any formalities behind passing on these awards, such as if someone should only get an award so many times, and I know all of the people on this list are WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL people, so I'm sure some of you have gotten these awards in the past. I apologize if any of you are thinking "not again..." but hope you appreciate this little gesture anyway.

Thank you again, Julie, for finding it in your heart to share this award with me! It did brighten my day!



Tracy said…
oh Kim, thank you so much!! I have been attacked now for two days with some very mean spirited posts and I just feel very down about it, and this was just what I needed in this very moment.. what a blessing:) Thank you so much!!
My sincerest thanks, Kim. Though I have received these before, I could not be more flattered and grateful to be thought of again! You are a dear and may God bless you abundantly! Have a WONDERFUL day! Cathy
Joyful Days said…

I don't know about any formalities. :0)

What a lovely list of bloggers--some I already have been blessed by and some new. I'll try to visit everyone!

Anonymous said…
Kim, thank you so much!! That is so very sweet of you! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Kim said…
I see some of you have already discovered I have passed the award on to you before I could let you know. I have been busy and so have not gotten a chance yet to post to everyone on my list. I will get to that, possibly Sunday at the earliest. Busy, busy! Wish I had more time!
God's blessings to all!
Ginny said…
Aww thanks!

I'll see to passing this along later.

God bless ya!
Winging It said…
Kim, your blog is lovely and it is so sweet of you to share with us! I am praticularly fond of butterfly themes, so that makes it even better!

Thank you so much! I have some new people to visit now! That is always fun!

God bless you and your family!

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