Easter Blessings

Happy Easter to all! I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter!

I find myself more amazed this year by all that Christ has done for us than I have been in the past and feel very blessed by that realization. I imagine what it may have been like seeing that empty tomb or walking to Emmaus before realizing that Jesus had actually risen from the dead. We take it for granted now, which decreases the amazement and wonder we feel when we think of the Resurrection. Jesus' disciples had put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak. They had given up everything to follow this man who they believed would do something wonderful for the Jewish community and build a strong earthly kingdom for them. Instead, their fearless and humble leader was put to death - and death on the cross of all things. They were likely incredulous and heartbroken. Jesus' death seemingly signified loss of everything they had built their lives and their hope around. What would they do now? Would they also be put to death?

But luckily for the disciples, and luckily for us, it didn't end there. Christ rose, and His rising not only brought the disciples' hope back but also gave them a greater mission: to spread this incredible news and to spread the ministry Jesus had begun. Imagine their surprise. Imagine their joy!

Imagine also if this world were all there was, if we lived in this exile and had no hope for heavenly eternity with God. If Christ had not died, we would be trapped by the gravity of our sins. If Christ had not risen, this world would be all that was possible for us; the heavens would not be opened up. Even on this earth, Christ reversed the chasm formed between God and us that had been formed after the fall. Instead of a God who gave multiple books of laws, Jesus taught us to call God "Daddy" and filled in that chasm between God and us. He became human, inviting us to relate to Himself, and became the new covenant, a covenant of love and mercy. While God is not as obviously present to us as He originally was to Adam and Eve, we are once again invited to have an intimate relationship with Him.

We are a blessed people. May we all know His great love and mercy intimately and place our trust in Him!


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