Countdown to Graduation: 19 months

One more month down, nineteen to go, until Andy's tentative graduation date and until I can be home with the boys.

I mentioned in my post a month ago that, while I have a good job, it does significantly affect me and the boys in that we are rushed in the mornings to get out the door, and transitions in general are difficult for my high-spirited 4 year-old. Even the transition from sleeping to being awake in the morning is difficult for him. I would love to have the time to sit and rock with him in the mornings. I had time for that this morning, and it really did help him. He, more than the nearly-3-year-old, also has a difficult time in that he doesn't feel at all in control of the situation and feels that he has no say in what he does on any particular day. I know he is frustrated. As am I, especially when I come home exhausted and with no energy to give them what they need and no energy to deal with their high level of energy.

So, since quitting work is not an option, and since I cannot be with them as much as I would like to to work with them along a path to holiness and happiness, I have begun to offer up my working days for their holiness and happiness. And, on the days when I drive the boys to the sitter, we say a prayer together of offering my working and the boys' spending the day at the sitter's house. Blaise is not yet sold on the idea, but Isaac enjoys saying the prayers with me.


Katie said…
Kim - that's wonderful - what a great perspective you've chosen to have on the situation. And it is a great example for the boys, too. When they grow up, they will be aware of your sacrifice as well as your intentions to make the most of it, out of love for them!

GREAT to see you this weekend! You are amazing!
Winging It said…
Katie is right, GREAT perspective and I know God hears these prayers! I am glad to know you are close to the graduation!

It's been months and months since I was here, I wasn't sure your blog would still be up! So glad to see all is well!

God bless you and sustain you and cause you and your family to flourish in every way!


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