Prayerful Ponderings

As a mom, I wish to give all I can to my kids. But sometimes they take it all from me before I can give it to them, draining every last ounce of energy from me. I wonder if this is how Christ felt as he hung on the cross. But, unlike me, He gives of Himself so willingly and unreservedly, no matter how much we continue to take. Yet, I need to remember that I am not God. I do not have an unlimited supply of patience or energy; I need to continually allow Him to refill me so that I can continue to give, and to give so lovingly as Christ gives to us.

Depression often occurs when we look to the things of this world for our happiness rather than looking to God for our joy; when we look through eyes expecting to meet hassles and difficulties rather than through eyes expecting to see the works and grace of God; when we look to ourselves to provide the answers rather than looking with trust and confidence to God for all we need.

My hope is in the joy I find in giving all to Christ and in learning from Him as I look to Him and place His yoke upon my shoulders; my hope is in the love He so abundantly pours out; my hope is in the promises He gives us that He will be with us always and in His promise of salvation. My hope is in Christ Jesus.

When I ponder the life of Mary, Joseph, and the child Jesus, and especially their escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23), I wonder what Mary's reaction was to their fleeing to Egypt. To flee with an infant to a place where they know no one, are unfamiliar with the language and customs, and flee to escape harm to God's Son could have been such an occasion for fear. Yet I can only believe that Mary, in her beautiful faith in God, trusted and found joy in His providence all the same. What a role model! Through everything, her faith never wavered, even when she saw her only son being hung on a cross. When I have run into snags in my life this week and have been led to do things I don't necessarily want to do, I have been looking to the Holy Family's trip to Egypt, remembered my faith, and attempted to find joy all the same.


A wonderfully thought provoking post! Thank you! God Bless and keep you!

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