Will the Real Isaac Please Stand Up?

The boys had finished their bath, and it was time for them to get out. The problem, of course, is that they did not think it was time to get out. I had already given the two-minute warning ("Two minutes until you get out") about 5 minutes earlier.

Me: Time to get out. Who wants to get out first?

Blaise (3 1/2): Isaac does! (points to his younger brother)

Isaac (2, and unable to say Blaise's name, so he regularly calls him Isaac): Isaac! (points to Blaise)

Blaise: No, Isaac! (points to Isaac)

Isaac: Isaac! (points to Blaise)

etc, etc.

Me: Alright, Isaac, you first. (I scoop up the real Isaac since Blaise is being more insistent than he is and since Isaac is usually the more happy-go-lucky one. He more often than Blaise gets the short end of the deal for that reason, I'm sure.)

Still me, to Isaac: You can pick which towel. Do you want to be a puppy or a froggy?

He quickly picks the favored puppy with the big floppy ears.

Blaise, jumping out of the tub: No, I want to be the puppy! No! Isaac be frog! I be puppy!

I wrap him in the frog towel. I should have known. This is very typical of Blaise.

Me: Blaise, next time you get out of the tub first and pick the puppy towel.

Blaise continues to kick and scream as I carry them both to their room to dress them. I momentarily think about switching the towels but don't do it since Isaac does have the right to the puppy towel and would be upset if I take it from him and since Blaise needs to know that Isaac does have as many rights to things as he does. I can't help but laugh to myself, though, as I dress them. I love how Isaac calls his brother Isaac!


Tracy said…
awe, they are so sweet:)
SinĂ©ad said…
I just love that picture of your two lovely boys, and your post. What a sweet story.
God bless!


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