The Opportunity of the Cross

"Paul does not regard the cross from the perspective of its horror, its hardship, or its hurt. He sees it as a chance. The cross is the way to break out of our crippling self-reliance so as to depend fully on God. Without the cross in our life, how comfortable we would become - how complacent and self-content.... The cross is the way that God persistently calls us back to Him, moment by moment, detaching us from all our secret supports by which we would connive to become autonomous and self-serving."
Peter John Cameron, OP; Magnificat, September 2008; Vol 10, No 7.

Thank God for our crosses, or trials, then. If not for difficulties, we would never know our need for Him. We would simply go through our lives, content and comfortable, though unfulfilled. It is in our crosses that Christ calls us back to Himself.

Our trial are opportunities to turn to God and to grow closer to Him. They are opportunities to look to Him for all that we need and for guidance, so that we become less self-reliant and come to know our dependence on Him.

Lord, please help me to make use of these opportunities You have given me in my trials and difficulties, in the cross I carry, to rely on You, to trust in You. I pray I will remember I cannot do it all myself. Help me to learn to more easily come back to You moment by moment, especially in my difficulties, and to rely on you.


Praying with everyone this morning as I travel from "home to home" on this daily pilgrimage for me has made my personal prayer reflection very humbling! Thank you for allowing me to share in your prayer! Cathy

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