Prayer goals

Following the retreat/girls' weekend, I made a list of 5 goals incorporating what I learned over the weekend and what I feel called to do as a response to the graces poured out upon Katie and I, and in hopes to grow spiritually and be a better wife and mother.

1) Read the Magnificat, Mary's prayer, daily. In this way, I hope to realize better that Mary not only said "yes" to God's invitation but rejoiced in it. She rejoiced in it despite the difficulties it would pose for her in being a young, unmarried pregnant woman who would traditionally be outcast and stoned.

2) Try my best to concentrate better when praying the Rosary.

3) Treat the boys, and Andy, as if they were Jesus Himself, and as Mary would have treated Jesus, her own Son, according to the Gospel from a couple weeks ago: "Then He took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in His arms, He said to them, 'Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me welcomes not Me but the One who sent Me' (Mark 9:36-37).

4) After reading the book I'm currently reading (though I haven't picked it up in over 2 weeks), read The Secret of the Rosary by St Louis de Montfort, since we have that one at home, in order to begin studying for consecration to Mary.

5) Talk with Mary more often about my own struggles and joys, establishing a better relationship with her, and asking her for her motherly help, comfort, and guidance.

I have to admit, I have not been as good at following these goals as I would like. I have read the Magnificat once and meditated for a very short time on the first two verses. I have not concentrated well on the Rosary (though better than I usually do) and actually skipped the Rosary on Wed unintentionally. I have become impatient with the boys and with Andy. I have been talking with Mary more, though. But these are goals, and I will strive to work toward them. I share them here in an attempt to be more accountable to them.

So feel free to ask me about whether or not I am working on these goals!


Andrea said…

What wonderful goals. I wish you well.

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