Cutting Back

I have so many posts floating around in my head... mainly about the boys. But they take so long to write, complete with pictures and all. The ones that take less time are ones like this:

I AM NO LONGER WORKING FULL TIME!!!! WOO HOO! I just finished my last week of full time work and will cut back next week to 20-23 hours!!! Yay! I'm so excited to spend more time with the boys and be less busy! I'm hoping this will help with feeling more balanced in terms of spending my time in ways that I more strongly value.... such as with my family and hopefully more often in prayer and such.

Perhaps I'll be able to post about some of our adventures and times together!

Oh, yes, and I have a great weekend planned, seeing some wonderful friends both days this weekend - most notably, I'll be spending some time with a few great friends Sunday evening - Katie from HuMAMAe Vitae and Sarita, who is a missionary with her beautiful family, as well as another one or two friends. And I'm hoping my arms will be full all through our time together, holding a couple of beautiful babies!

Meanwhile, it is 8:00 and I'm going to bed! It's been a long week! Goodnight!


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