Marian Mondays: Have No Fear

I'm interested in learning more about Mary and her visits with us and hope to share that with all who are interested and who find me here. A couple weeks ago, I heard Dr. Mark Miravalle speaking on Relevant Radio about Our Lady of All Nations who appeared in Amsterdam, I believe in the 1950's. I have been intrigued with the appearances of Mary under this title as well as under other titles and want to learn more about her. When looking at Dr. Miravalle's site for more information, I found this:

"Anne, a visionary from Ireland, has received permission from her local ordinary, Bishop Leo O'Reilly, for the distribution of messages which she receives from Jesus, God the Father, Our Blessed Mother, the angels and saints (see article, "Discernment of Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King," Marian Private Revelation section). The following messages from Our Blessed Mother are directed to bishops, priests and religious throughout the world. – Ed.

"August 8, 2003

"The Blessed Mother [says:]

"'I want to give you a glimpse of your future. I hope to prepare you so that when the time for change comes, you will move smoothly into the new order. My children are aware that the world is changing. Worldly souls think that they are orchestrating these changes, but in reality, God is in charge. He is taking their evil intentions and using them to implement His own order. Holy souls need have no fear. The plans of the evil one will go nowhere. Be confident and fearless in the face of information that would cause you alarm. You must remember that God is in charge because God has always been in charge, God will always be in charge, and I, your mother, am telling you this now.

"'My child, do not be afraid to give my words to your superiors in the church. You must remember that these are not your words or prophesies. You are not responsible for them and do not have to prove them. How could you? These words come from heaven and they are intended to give my children advance warning so that the children of the Light are spiritually prepared. All must play their part and you will see that many are receiving communications of this kind. Be brave. Be holy. Be ready to accept your assignments with faith. We are relying on chosen souls to bring a great many souls back to Christ before the time for the Miracle of Souls arrives.'"

The part that struck me, and the reason I wanted to share this quote are these words: "My children are aware that the world is changing. Worldly souls think that they are orchestrating these changes, but in reality, God is in charge. He is taking their evil intentions and using them to implement His own order. Holy souls need have no fear. The plans of the evil one will go nowhere."

The world is changing in so many ways, nearly all are not for the better - or so it seems. It's enough to make us sick to our stomachs, and feeling quite hopeless and helpless. Why don't these people, these politicians, people in Hollywood, media, etc get it?? How can they not see what is so very, almost painfully, obvious to the rest of us?

Many of our political leaders are so caught up in the illusion of power. They see in their hands the ability to change things in this world, and I wonder if they truly care whether they're changing things for the better or for the worse, or if they just like the power they feel by being able to put their stamp on the world and their influence on our lives. I see them in some ways as bullies, preying upon those of us who are weaker and have less influence than the rest, just so that they can feel better about themselves. I feel sorry for those who do that in some ways, especially if that is the case, but also because they don't know God; they are so very separated from Him, and that must be tremendously painful. In order to give the meaning that they lack to their power, albeit in a personal philosophy in which there is no truth and no meaning, they make themselves into little gods, making laws with little regard to what is right.

BUT THEY ARE NOT IN CHARGE, even if they believe they are. GOD IS IN CHARGE. Romans 8:28. God will turn all things to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. God is using their evil intentions and evil efforts and using them for His own purposes, turning them to good. It is already set... God will triumph over evil, no matter what the other side pulls on us. But which side will we be on? Will we help or hamper His Will? Will we play the part He calls us to play?

Some are called to stand in the front lines; I thank any and all who have protested outside an abortion clinic or in Washington, or elsewhere. Such is necessary. But we must also PRAY!! This is a spiritual battle, and we must all fight with spiritual weapons - prayer, fasting, offering up our trials, the Rosary. A devotion to Mary, and through Mary to Jesus. He must be the center of our very lives! We have nothing to fear; we have nothing to run away from. But we have EVERYTHING to run to! May we embrace He to does and will save us! May we beg for His Will to be done, for His Kingdom to come! Do not be afraid to ask for what you need. Don't be afraid to ask for His Kingdom to be hastened.

We are surrounded by so much evil, coming at us from every side! We cannot possibly do battle ourselves on every front. But God, Who is everywhere at all times, Who is all powerful and all knowing, can. And He is and will! Let us cling to Him and fight on His side, doing our small though important part! And we will triumph!


Katie said…
You know, this is the first I've heard of it, too, and I have to say that this is the first I've heard of a Marian apparition communicating something "positive" aka "hopeful" to Christians. It seems all other apparitions communicate the need for prayer, penance, fasting, and emphasize the need for conversion of sinners. Why do you suppose this is so different, and why do you suppose that this is relatively a new sort of message - yet she says that many others "are receiving communications of this kind." Really neat - something to definitely ponder. I love the "Hope" message in it!
Kim said…
I have just started to learn about Our Lady of All Nations and so hope to learn more about it as I slowly do more reading, and will hopefully be able to answer your questions.

The person who received and shared this message is not Ida, ie the seer our Our Lady of All Nations. I don't know much about this particular person but believe her visions are personal revelations form Mary that she is periodically asked to share. But yes, this particular vision contains wonderful hope!! As does Our Lady of All Nations, as she says an era of true peace will follow the Fifth Marian Doctrine being declared by the Pope.

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