Marian Mondays: Our Lady of All Nations

I am surprised I have only recently heard of Our Lady of All Nations. Mary appeared from 1945 until 1959 in Amsterdam to a single 40-year-old woman named Ida Peerdeman. She appeared to Ida 56 times during those years, giving her messages about the state of the world and events in the then-near future, from 1945 until 1950. The events have occurred. In 1951, she began to give Ida messages for which the apparitions are known. She asked that she no longer be called simply "Mary of Nazareth" but that she becomes known as Mother of all nations. She also asked that a fifth Marian dogma be proclaimed, after which Our Lady of All Nations will give peace, true peace, to the world. This dogma states that Mary is Coredemtrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

It appears the Vatican has approved this apparition (apparently after a controversy with the wording of the prayer to Our Lady of All Nations), and perhaps 6 million people have signed petitions that the fifth Marian dogma be proclaimed. There is also controversy regarding the dogma - in particular what it means to be Coredemtrix. Isn't Redemtrix a title reserved for only Christ Himself, some say. But, say others, by offering up our crosses to unite with Christ's sufferings, we are also coredemptrix; so, of course, Mary is a very strong coredemtrix.

What do you know about this apparition?


Holly Rutchik said…
Wow, Kim, I never knew too much about this one, either! I love when you share these things on your blog!!

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