Big News for Two Former Wisconsin Bishops

Today, Archbishop Raymond Burke was formally named a cardinal, one of 24 new cardinals elevated today. He grew up in western Wisconsin and had a zeal for priesthood from an early age; he was in seminary in La Crosse Wisconsin and later became the diocese's bishop (1994?). In 2004, he was named Archbishop in St. Louis. Cardinal Burke has also been very involved in the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the Church's highest court of Canon Law (from my limited understanding). From 1989 to 1994, he served s the defender of the bond for the Apostolic Signatura, and from 2006 to 2008 (while still Archbishop in St. Louis), he served as a bishop-member of the Signatura then was named as its new prefect in 2008. He has also been a member of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, the council which authentically interprets Canon Law and a member of the Congregation for the Clergy, which regulates the formation and training of seminarians and those being trained for the permanent diaconate, both since 2008. In 2009, he was appointed to the Congregation for Bishops, whose members discuss the appointment of new bishops to vacant seats and send their recommendations to the Holy Father. He was also appointed earlier this year to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. In addition, he is the president of the Vatican's Commission for Advocates, which is the bar association for canon lawyers. Whew!! What a list! (info was taken by an article in The Catholic Times, from the Diocese of La Crosse)

And, most importantly, as my husband just pointed out to me, he was confirmed by Bishop Burke.

I really cannot believe how much Cardinal Burke has done in the past many years. It simply makes my head spin! God has truly blessed this man with intelligence, faith, and humility! I don't think it was a surprise to anyone that Pope Benedict XVI announced that Archbishop Burke would be among those named cardinal.

While I have never met this holy priest, I have been impressed by his cordial nature but willingness and ability to stand up for the Truths of the Catholic Church, without wavering. When I went to school in St. Louis, from which I graduated over a year before Bishop Burke became Archbishop, some friends of mine brought me to a church off campus. I do not remember its name nor care to remember. But even at that time, when I did not have the understanding of the Church that I do now, the Mass and homily made me feel very uncomfortable. It was one of those churches who preached social justice and inclusion. I believe they had some disagreements with the bishop even at that time. Very quickly after Archbishop Burke arrived in St. Louis, the priest at that church was warned and did not change, and the church was declared to be not in union with the Church. He has also taken a strong stand against Catholic pro-abortion politicians, stated for one that they are not allowed to share in the Eucharist. I'm sure some (liberals) say, to Bp Burke's elevation, "It figures; what else would you expect from the Catholic Church?" but I for one don't think the Pope could have made a better choice for one of the 24 new cardinals.

Not to downplay Archbishop Timothy Dolan's new appointment to USCCB president. The article I have from The Catholic Times does not say as much about his prior or current duties within the Church, but I do believe he was Archbishop of Milwaukee until just recently, when he was named Archbishop of New York. He has also been chairman of the Catholic Relief Services board of directors, a position he will need to step down from, but I do believe he will remain Archbishop in New York. I also have a lot of respect and gratitude for the USCCB's work in our country; in a culture of death, the USCCB brings clarity and truth.

May God bless and lead these two holy men in the posts He has newly called them to! Please say a prayer for both of them.


Katie said…
Andy was confirmed by now-Cardinal Burke! How AWESOME!!
Kim said…
Yeah, isn't that great?! He was confirmed by an awesome then-bishop! Perhaps that blessing helped him get where he is now with his faith.
I'm thrilled to hear this recent news. I was listening to a recent recap of the USCCB, and squealed about Archbishop Dolan's election, as well as some hometown pride about our Louisville Archbishop Kurtz's election as vicepresident.

Stopping by from Catholic Mothers Online.

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