God, You're Doing Great Work in Blaise's Heart!

Just over a week ago, Blaise decided he wanted to pack up some toys to give away because he and Isaac have too many toys. OK!!! So we took out a paper bad and did a good job filling it with toys to give away. He was really pretty generous with what he wanted to give away: he even wanted to give away one or two pieces of his foam hopscotch set - I had to talk him out of that one! (What would someone do with one piece from a hopscotch set??) I gave him the option of bringing the bag to St. Vincent de Paul to donate or selling the toys at our local resale shop for babies and young kids. He wanted to sell them. Ok. I would have preferred he say give it away at that point, but I figured we'll sell it and perhaps use the money for one toy rather than having a bag full of toys we don't need.

So we brought the toys to the local resale shop a week ago, after school. On the way, I asked Blaise what he wanted to do with the money. Should we look around that store or another store for something he wants? No, he said, I want to put the money in my pocket. Ok. I've got a saver on my hands. I can appreciate that, being a saver myself. What are you going to do with the money in your pocket? I asked, expecting him to say he would save it.

The next comment blew me away. I'm going to give it to someone who doesn't have money, he said. Really?! Oh, Blaise! Praise You, God!

So we got $14 from the toys Blaise sold. We put that in an envelope, and I told Blaise to keep his ears open for someone asking for money, saying that would most likely come in the form of someone who helps those who have little rather than someone who has little coming to him themselves. A missionary priest came to our church yesterday. He works in Papua New Guinea, with people who are affected by all sorts of natural disasters - volcanoes, earthquakes, and a tsunami - and have needed to move out of their homes and/or whose crops have been destroyed and live on less than $1 a day when they have any money at all. They are surrounded by corrupt people and a corrupt government, who benefit from a huge goldmine nearby and have brought in drugs, alcohol, prostitution, HIV, and all kinds of effects of sinful, selfish living. Blaise decided to give his money to these people. We were given a couple envelopes in which to put donations and bring back next week. We gave one to Blaise so that he can put his $14 inside and put it in the basket at Mass on Sunday.

Oh, Lord, please take this money from my son - from Your son - and multiply it! As little as $14 is, it comes from a big heart!


Lagartija said…
Oh this is SOOO sweet!! It is just like the widow woman with the few coins- I'm SURE it will be multiplied because he gave all he had! Great job, Blaise and great job mama for teaching and modeling generosity! :)

Also, good for you for actually going out and DOING all the steps. My two big kids will occasionally weed out toys to give away, or come up with ideas to sell things to get money for the poor and while I am enthusiastic, I don't always follow through, other than dropping things at Goodwill- so your story is inspiring me to go make it more concrete to them and follow through!!! Thanks!

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