
The boys recently started a learn to skate program in preparation for playing hockey at the local ice arena. Here they are in their pads the afternoon before the first lesson.

Ready to go on the ice. Both boys are pumped!

Blaise did a great job! He just keeps getting better!

Isaac, on the other hand, was afraid of the ice and sat in the chair pouting the whole time. The coaches were great with him, though, pushing him around in the chair and also on his bottom on the ice (trying to help him get over his fear of ice). This last weekend, he and I did a little experiment. We put water into a tupperware container and put it in the freezer. Isaac was excited when he discovered that it turned into ice! Ice is only cold water! Nothing to be afraid of. So this last week, he was a puppy, tongue hanging out, moving around the ice on his hands and knees. Well, it's progress, anyway. Hopefully next week we can get his skates on the ice!


Allison said…
That is so adorable!

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