Update on a Good Catholic Book

I am now 3/4 of the way through Carmen Marcoux's second book, Surrender. I must say that as much as I loved her first book, Arms of Love, I am enjoying the second even more. The one issue I had with the first, I am finding not to be the case with the second: the characters in the first were just too good at everything. In the second, the characters are much more believable and more enjoyable; you begin to see their flaws, but, because it is a wonderful Catholic book, you see their flaws in the light of Christ's love and mercy. And it still has that quality of making one want to be a better Catholic; of making one strive for a deeper faith. The book follows Joanie, the oldest daughter of 8 children, and her marriage to Brandon and pregnancy, and also the discernment process, which is turning out to be quite enjoyable, of the next two daughters, Maggie and Amie. I also enjoy the parents, John and Judy, as they are great examples for us parents (I wish I could learn more about them - perhaps another book, Carmen?) and the grandparents, who are quite fun and spunky (hmmm... that could be a book too).

And again, this book is full of wonderful Catholic teachings, including of Theology of the Body and also from the Bible. It truly demonstrates the absolute beauty of what it means to be Catholic.


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