Thank you!

I feel very "hugged" by prayers today. Thank you for all who are praying for me and my family during this time!

I don't know any more than I did yesterday, but, besides the prayers, I am also feeling better because I am allowing myself to hope that this child may still be alive. If I don't hope, staying on the progesterone and continuing all the lab tests feels to be for naught and does nothing except prolong the "inevitable," and that is very frustrating.


Krissy A. said…
I love you hon...I'll be praying and sacrificing for you. Keep us posted.
Holly Rutchik said…
Oh kim, I haven't been online in a few days and I was so sad to read these posts after the beautiful and hope filled post that came before these.
I will be praying for you and for a fast answer so that you know how God is calling you to love this baby. I agree, the not knowing IS the hardest part.
I don't know anything, only God does - but I feel like you WILL be a mother to another child this side of heaven - I do so pray this is that child.

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